Monday, 8 October 2018

Seize the moment

   I love to draw since I was a child.

    I believe most of us enjoy to draw, play with sand, dance ... it's so natural and fulfilling.
Unfortunately in our contemporary world, most of it or at least at the public kinder gardens and schools at least in Bulgaria the children are very limited.

 A lot of children to 1 teacher and eventually 1 support teacher. Without limitations, screams from the teacher and old fashioned approaches the teacher itself eventually will not survive in this environment. Indeed the system is like this. It is viral, broken, corrupted.  It creates defected people, sufferers, strictly limited thinking in a vicious environment where the only way to survive is to be a conformist and obey.

     So from very little our children  are deprived from the simple right to be free to express themselves in creative way at the moment they feel like.
  The time to draw is in the drawing lesson, time to  sing is in the singing class and etc.  And there is always someone to put marks and say weather you are doing it well or no.

   Art therapy comes to teach is not to put marks on our work. The point is not to  appreciate the creation. The  main aim is to learn to enjoy the process pf creation.